Oral Hygiene Tips to Make Your Next In Office Dental Cleaning Easier

Dental Cleaning And Examinations Philadelphia, PA

Professional dental cleaning is a need in achieving optimal dental health. Good daily oral care is significant. But seeing your dentist ensures the removal of tartar and plaque. The absence of these substances ensures the longevity of your teeth and gums. If you want to know how to improve your oral hygiene, here are some tips to follow before your next dental cleaning.

Using a soft-bristled toothbrush

Getting a soft-bristled toothbrush will bring more health to teeth than a hard-bristled toothbrush. Many often think that a hard-bristled toothbrush is better when it comes to cleaning teeth. This may be so, but over time, teeth suffer the consequences. Medium and hard brushes are abrasive to the enamel.

Dentists recommend gentle pressure. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush ensures this. Good brushing needs a little pressure, circular movements, and brushing at a 45-degree angle. It may be difficult to make this change at first. Regular practice will help establish the new technique before the next dental cleaning.

Taking a video selfie

Most people may find this strange but filming one’s toothbrushing technique is helpful. It can improve the way an individual brushes. Awareness increases with the help of these self-improvement videos. Studies show that a person can become more accurate and thorough in toothbrushing with the help of video selfies.

Waiting before brushing

Drinking citrus juices, wine or soda can leave the enamel layer of teeth weak. Brushing right after having a glass of citrus juice could strip off a layer of enamel. Waiting 30-60 minutes before brushing can result in less wear than brushing sooner. This will ensure a healthy enamel layer before the next dental cleaning appointment.

Brushing in the back first

This habit allows more thorough cleaning. Removing the food particles from chewing surfaces ensures the health of the back teeth. Paying more attention to the molars helps dislodge even the stubborn particles and plaque. This will make the scheduled dental cleaning easier.

Using mouthwash

Brushing two times a day and flossing before bed are ideal oral hygiene habits. Using an antibacterial mouthwash can kill the remaining bacteria in the mouth. It will also rinse away the remaining food particles. Swishing mouthwash in the mouth for about 30 seconds can do the job. Doing this after a professional dental cleaning is advisable as well.

Eating teeth-whitening foods

Fibrous and raw foods like carrots, lettuce, celery, apples, and cucumbers help scrub the surfaces of teeth. These foods help remove plaque, which makes teeth look yellowish. Crunchy, fibrous foods need more chewing. This triggers more saliva production, which helps buffer the acids that bacteria produce.

Stopping the consumption of tobacco products

Smoking tobacco leaves nicotine stains on teeth. Aside from that, tobacco decreases proper cell repair and blood oxygenation. It also aggravates cavity formation and periodontitis. Aiming for optimal oral health needs full commitment. This means quitting smoking altogether. The dentist will have an easier time during the dental cleaning if there is no nicotine present at all.

Practicing proper oral hygiene habits will make your next dental cleaning easier and faster

Having regular dental visits can help you achieve good oral health. Practicing good oral care can help maintain your teeth and gum health in between appointments. The mentioned tips can help you improve your daily oral care. Your next dental cleaning appointment with your dentist will reflect the kind of oral hygiene you have outside the dental clinic.

Are you considering having a dental cleaning in the Philadelphia area? Get more information at https://frankforddentalcare.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Cleaning and Examinations in Philadelphia, PA.

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