Why a Dental Check-up and Cleaning Is Important

Dental Cleaning Philadelphia, PA

A check-up and dental cleaning is an essential part of taking care of your teeth. It can help prevent the onset of many oral diseases while also helping to improve your smile's appearance. After all, you only get one set of natural adult teeth, so it's up to you to properly take care of them. One important thing you can do is make sure that you see your dentist regularly.

As a new patient at our office, you may be wondering why it is necessary to have this procedure done. It may even feel tempting to skip out on a check-up especially if you don't notice anything wrong. However, it's important to realize that many dental issues are caught early by a dentist simply because we can see things that you can't.

This blog post will go over some reasons why getting regular check-ups are so important and why you should schedule one if you haven't already. Doing so is the best way to identify issues early and get a professional dental cleaning of your teeth. 

The importance of dental hygiene

The goal of a check-up is to prevent the onset of many oral diseases and to remedy any issues with cracked or broken teeth. If you have not been to our office before, this would be your first visit for an exam and cleaning. During your appointment, we will perform x-rays on all teeth to see any hidden cavities or other problems that you cannot see. 

We will also be checking for any signs of gum disease, which can affect both your bone and teeth over time. The early stages of the condition are often painless. Still, it is crucial to catch this earlier to treat it before it becomes more severe or irreversible. 

If you've been brushing and flossing your teeth every day, that's fantastic! Keep this up. It will help to remove plaque buildup on your teeth, leading to cavities, gingivitis, bad breath, and more. However, there is more to dental hygiene besides just brushing and flossing. Many people neglect their teeth by not scheduling regular check-ups with our dentists.

Regular dentist visits

Regular check-ups are a vital part of maintaining oral health. At our office, we will be able to spot problems during your appointment that you might not have noticed at home. Some issues may include tooth decay or other cavities that need treatment right away. Other common problems can also appear as yellowing, discoloration, or erosion of teeth. We will give you the most effective treatment for your smile, and we can help make it look great again.

When should I schedule my first dental check-up?

We recommend making an appointment for a check-up every six months to stay on top of oral health and catch potential issues before they become serious. In some instances, we may recommend that you come in for additional visits based on your exact needs or if you have pre-existing dental issues. If this is your first visit, you are due for a comprehensive exam and dental cleaning that includes x-rays. At your follow-up appointment, you will discuss any problems that were found with your dentist.

Tips for taking care of your teeth between visits:

  • Stay away from sugary foods and drinks. These can cause cavities over time!
  • Floss your teeth every day to remove plaque buildup in between each tooth.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially before bedtime when you cannot brush again until the morning. This will help prevent bad breath and keep your teeth strong!
  • Schedule appointments for a dental check-up every six months to stay on top of oral health.

Doing these simple things can help your teeth stay healthy and strong. It also means that if there are any issues, they will be identified and corrected as soon as possible. Remember, identifying dental issues early could mean that you save considerable time and money by avoiding other costly treatments and procedures. 

Schedule a check-up with your dentist 

It's important to keep up with your dental health. A visit to the dentist can help you maintain good oral hygiene habits like brushing regularly and avoiding sugary foods. We recommend visiting us at least twice a year for x-rays and cleanings! You can also learn some new oral care tips that you might not have known about, such as the correct way to brush your teeth and how often you should be doing so.

Request an appointment here: https://frankforddentalcare.com or call Frankford Dental Care at (215) 302-1746 for an appointment in our Philadelphia office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Cleaning and Examinations in Philadelphia, PA.

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