What To Consider When Getting a Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover Philadelphia, PA

Smiles are often the first thing people notice about one another, so feeling proud of your teeth is important. Being confident in your appearance goes a long way toward feeling good each day. If you are embarrassed by your grin, a smile makeover could boost your confidence level. Here are some things to consider before having a smile makeover.

What is a smile makeover?

Before anyone can determine whether they need a smile makeover, they must first understand what one really is. The term "smile makeover" is a blanket expression used by dentists for various procedures to improve the look and feel of their patient's smiles. Every dental makeover is different because they cater to the needs of the individual. The goal of each smile makeover is to renew the patient's grin and self-esteem.

Who needs one?

If you are self-conscious about your mouth, chances are you could benefit from some form of dental work to improve its appearance. There is no definitive list of conditions that necessitate smile makeovers, but if you suffer from one or more of the conditions listed below, you may want to consider some dental work:

  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Chipped, broken, or worn teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Deformed teeth
  • A misaligned bite
  • Abnormally sized teeth
  • Decayed or missing teeth

Even more simple procedures such as teeth whitening often have better outcomes when done professionally rather than at home. 

Who is a good candidate?

Every dentist's main priority is ensuring that their patient's overall oral health is in good standing. Harmful conditions such as cavities and gum disease take precedence over aesthetic dental work. Before your smile makeover, any issues with your oral health should be addressed. Your dentist can help you determine what dental maladies to address in preparation for your grin upgrade.

Children are typically not good candidates for smile makeover procedures. This is because their teeth and mouth are still growing. In addition, people who have medical conditions such as heart disease or blood clotting issues may not be good candidates for some aspects of the smile makeover. Discuss any medical conditions that you have, along with your oral health, with your dentist prior to getting a smile makeover. 

What do they entail?

Since smile makeovers are tailored to the needs of the individual, they can be simple or extensive. For someone who desires a brighter smile, a makeover can entail a tooth whitening procedure. In cases in which a patient needs or wants more extensive dental work, options include tooth straightening processes, crowns, veneers, and dental implants. 

Any smile makeover requires several trips to the dentist. First, you schedule a consultation with a dental professional to determine how much dental work you need to achieve your goals. In most cases, you see the dentist at least twice for actual procedures after the initial consultation. This is because many processes require dentists to take impressions of a patient's mouth in one visit, and insert the tailored crown or implant at the next appointment. It normally takes several weeks from the first appointment to the second while a lab makes the dental restoration required.

Are smile makeovers expensive?

The cost of your smile makeover largely depends on the type of work that you have done on your teeth, as well as the particular office that you visit. According to dentaly.org, professional teeth whitening procedures can range anywhere from $300 to $1,800. Braces, which are commonly used to straighten crooked teeth, typically cost between $2,500 and $7,500 for both teenagers and adults.

Because of the wide price range involved in these services, it is important that you discuss any concerns you have regarding the cost with your dentist. A smile makeover is generally considered to be a cosmetic procedure, which means that health or dental insurance may not cover as much, or any, of the expenses the way that other dental procedures would be covered. 


Although it helps to have a general idea of what you are getting into before a dental appointment, a smile makeover is not a single one-size-fits-all procedure. This treatment can entail extensive dental work or be relatively simple. The determination of how much work a mouth needs is between a patient and their dentist. Regardless of how much help your smile needs, consider contacting a dentist to start gaining back your confidence and smiling freely once again.

Request an appointment here: https://frankforddentalcare.com or call Frankford Dental Care at (215) 302-1746 for an appointment in our Philadelphia office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Smile Makeover in Philadelphia, PA.

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